Why is my ebay transaction via Paypal linked to SBM Smile Card not appearing on my internet banking statement?

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Hi everyone,

Can someone explain me why my ebay transaction via paypal not appearing on my internet banking statement?

2 Replies

gices Level 6

An SBM Smile Card is a prepaid card. It is not linked to your bank account. It is just a bank card which you have to put money on before using it to buy things.

Think about it like a top up card people use for calling abroad. Calls made on that calling card do not appear on your telephone line bill at the end of the month.

Similarly Paypal transactions on the SBM Smile card will not show on your SBM bank account.

Hope that makes sense.

1 Reply

even i used to get that problem with MCB prepaid card......what i would suggest is the money hast been in the sellers account.sometimes it may take 2 days.if you can see the transaction on paypal.mu ,it means you will see the info shortly{24- 48}hours max.whereas sometimes it may be as little as 2 mins.......dont worry.it is kind of normal

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