In what currency should I get the SBM Smile Prepaid Card to buy on ebay?

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Hi, Thanks for this useful site. I need to apply for a pre-paid card to purchase online. I've gone through the SBM website for information. Please advise on the type of card that I would need to apply - MUR Card or Foreign Card to buy on ebay. Thnx

6 Replies

Muzzammil Level 2

MUR CARD = Activated on the Same day within 2-3 hours
FOREIGN CARD - The next day

Sbm smile is available in many currencies including usd, GBP etc

if you are going to pay for your purchase in USD, Get a USD Card

The exchange Rate you pay in the Bank is about a bit more than the amount being sold worldwide :)

that is when dollar is being sold at 30, you might pay about 30.85

Ebay Accept both foreign and Mauritian card.

The problem with mauritian card is when you are buying the card, the amount is preloaded, and when its over, you will need to apply for another card.

The Foreign card can be reloaded every single time whenever needed.

PRepaid card does not cause interests level to be paid just like a credit card.

SBM smile is a Prepaid card Not a credit card:

  • You cannot use SBM Smile When you don't have money compared to a credit card which you can.
  • SBM Smile Account Fee is 1000 MRU
  • SBM Smile takes 1 dollar for every recharge
  • SBM smile does not charge you for transaction
  • You cannot receive money in Mauritius using a sbm smile/credit card.
  • THe currency depends where and what the website Accepts.
  • If you are buying MRU to GDP or USD, the card will do the conversion automatically by the bank exchange rate.
  • The internet exchange rate and the one paid to the bank is much different.
  • FOr the first time activation , you pay 8 dollars.
  • Activation on Paypal requires a paypal code which you will get contacting SBM card security by proving your identity.
  • Paypal ,SBM and Ebay are 3 different things, Paypal and Ebay has links together but not SBM and ebay. What i mean is , YOu cannot input a bank account into paypal.
  • Apply for a USD if you are buying on Ebay :)

Happy shopping :)

2 Reply

Thanks a real lot....will keep you posted when I finally manage to buy something :-)

gices Level 6

@Muzzammil has already given a great answer and I'll just like to add that if you'll be buying from places which accept US dollars, then you should get the prepaid card in that currency. For example, I tend to buy from sites like or which accept British Pound, so it would make sense for me to get the card in pounds instead.


gices Level 6

You're welcome :) Is there anything specific you wanted to buy?

yep, planning to buy toys 4 kids....

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