If self-employed, can I give my business a name?

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I was reading the article by gices about how to register as self-employed, but I have a few questions here:

  • Can I give my business a name, if I am self-employed? e.g. Pattiserie Marie or do I need to register a company name?

  • What will happen, if I register as self-employed, then my turnover is over Rs2M, can I change to a company easily?

  • Am I allowed to start advertising on facebook to see if there is any interest in my cakes (but take no money) before registering as self employed?

Merci beaucoup! :)

3 Replies

Diana_Marie Level 1

Thank you gices!

I've noticed that you can make a search for "Businesses other than Companies/Partnerships" on the link below, these are not Ltd companies, but more like small local shops with a Business Name.

So I'm confused, did they all register a company name?

Diana_Marie Level 1

Awaiting your reply gices...

gices Level 6
  1. If you are self employed, it means you trade under your name as stated on your birth certificate. Pattiserie Marie would be a company name in which case you can set up a one man company.

  2. Sure you can.

  3. Yep. As long as there are no financial gains, you can do that.

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