What sort of benefits do employees actually get, in general?

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Benefits vary from company to company, but what should companies provide to their employees??

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RoseOfUniverse Level 3

Well, it depends on the contract ( some employers might offer you your own car, house etc... but those I mentioned below are mandatory) All your answer is in this, Employment Law of Mauritius 2015 (spot some mistakes in this but it's less bulky than the employment right act)

And this is this, The Employment Right Act of Mauritius

Anyway, sometimes people are lazy to read all those stuff ( I may miss a few things though, it's better if one read it), Here a summary:

1) Maternity Benefits A female worker is entitled to 12 weeks’ maternity leave on full pay provided, for the purposes of payment, she has been in the continuous employment of the employer for a period of 12 consecutive months immediately preceding the beginning of leave and she has produced a medical certificate.

2) Paternity leaves The Act legitimates the rights of a father of a new born child to take five continuous days off work following the birth of his child (see §31 of the Act)

3) Termination Agreement The governing provision in the Act is that an employer must give a worker 30 days’ notice of his intention to terminate the contract of employment (see §37(4) of the Act), or within “any [longer] reasonable time” (see §37(3) of the Act).

4 )Gratuity at Retirement In well-defined circumstances, the Act makes it mandatory on an employer to pay a gratuity to a worker who has been in his or her continuous employment for 12 months or more. The aforesaid gratuity is payable as a lump sum (see §49 of the Act).

5) Normal Work hours The normal day’s work of a worker other than a part-time worker or a watch person consists of eight hours daily or a maximum of 90 hours per fortnight ( 2 weeks) (see §14 of the Act).

6) Overtime The general principle is that a worker is to be given a 24 hour notice before s/he undertakes overtime work (see §16 of the Act).

For the purposes of computation, overtime denotes work completed by a worker who has completed the maximum number of 90 hours in a fortnight. The applicable rate for overtime hours per fortnight is 1.5 x normal rate.

In the event that the overtime hours are undertaken on Sundays or on public holidays the rate of overtime is twice the hourly rate for every hour of overtime undertaken.

7) Public Holidays A worker is entitled to a full day’s pay in respect of a public holiday, other than a Sunday, during which s/he would not have had to work provided s/he reckons 12 months’ continuous employment with the employer (see §17 of the Act).

8)Meal and Tea Breaks An employer is required to provide to a worker (a) a daily meal break of one hour not later than four consecutive hours of work and (b) a tea break of at least 20 minutes daily or two tea breaks of at least ten minutes each daily. However, these may be agreed otherwise by the employer and the worker (see §18 of the Act).

9) Meal Allowances Under the Act a worker who remains at work after the normal working hours is now entitled to either an “adequate free meal” or be paid a meal allowance specified at paragraph (a) of the Third Schedule of the Act namely MUR 70 daily [USD 2] (see §19 of the Act).

10) Payment of Remuneration in Special Circumstances In specific circumstances, an employer is required to pay a worker a full day’s remuneration. First, where the employer is unable to provide work to the worker. Second, where work has stopped after the worker has worked for more than two hours because of climatic conditions, power failure or a breakdown in machinery or appliances (see §24 of the Act).

11) Transport of Workers An employer must refund bus fares to a worker where the distance between the worker’s place of residence and place of work exceeds three kilometres (see §26 of the Act).

12) Annual Leave (also called the “Local Leave”) The Act has maintained the number of annual leaves available to a worker who reckons 12 months of continuous service with the employer. Thus a worker is entitled to 20 days fully paid leave for each period of 12 months. The computation of one day’s leave is made according to a formula set out in the Act (see §27 of the Act). Any unused Annual leaves in a period of 12 months are refunded, the latter being computed using the formula prescribed under the Act for one full day’s pay.

13) Sick Leave The Act has reduced the number of days under the old law. Thus a worker who reckons 12 months of continuous service with an employer is now entitled to 15n days of sick leave instead of 21 days (see §28 of the Act). However, the novelty under the Act is that a worker is entitled to accumulate up to a maximum of 90 days of sick leave in a period of 12 months.

14) Death Grant The Act provides that an employer shall pay a death grant of the order of MUR 3,500 [USD 117] to the spouse of a worker who has passed away whilst in the employment of the employer and who reckons 12 months of continuous employment with the employer (see §50 of the Act). The Act provides that this entitlement to a death grant is payable notwithstanding that the spouse is already in receipt of benefits under the National Pensions Act or any other enactment (see §50 of the Act).

15) End of Year Bonus A worker who stays one year with the same employer is entitled to a bonus of 1/12 of his earning for that year. (see § 31A(1) of the Act).

2 Reply
gices Level 6

@RoseOfUniverse now that's an awesome answer!

2 Reply
inneedofhelp Level 1

Ok thanks for giving me the benefits as per government rules.

But there are also other benefits apart from this, such as insurance(Which most companies provide nowadays). So, what other benefits are companies providing nowadays??

RoseOfUniverse Level 3

The answers to your questions can be found in the Employment Right act :)

What is an insurance?
an arrangement by which a company or the state undertakes to provide a guarantee of compensation for specified loss, damage, illness, or death in return for payment of a specified premium. (google)

According to the
Employment Right Act of Mauritius,
They do offered insurance :)

Medical facilities (see §29 of the Act)
(1) Every person who employs 10 or more workers shall provide appropriate
arrangements for medical and health requirements of his workers at work.

(2) Where a worker suffers injury or illness at work necessitating his
removal to his home or to a hospital or other similar institution, the employer
shall promptly and at his own expense provide an appropriate means of conveyance
for the worker.

(3) Notwithstanding subsection (1), the Minister may make regulations
prescribing measures for every employer to make arrangements for, or to
facilitate, medical examination or medical tests of his workers by any public
or private hospital or para-medical units, as the case may be.

Death Grant
The Act provides that an employer shall pay a death grant of the order of MUR 3,500 [USD 117] to the
spouse of a worker who has passed away whilst in the employment of the employer and who reckons
12 months of continuous employment with the employer (see §50 of the Act). The Act provides that
this entitlement to a death grant is payable notwithstanding that the spouse is already in receipt of
benefits under the National Pensions Act or any other enactment (see §50 of the Act).

inneedofhelp Level 1

Yes I agree.
What I mean to say, is facilities provided by companies, for example free parking. Do you know of any other facilities to employees??

RoseOfUniverse Level 3

Well, it depends on the contracts...Some organizations offer you
-free housing,
-free parking( well, of course, they should provide free parking for you),
- vehicle,
- job sharing
- free Airlines tickets or 50% discount for example ATOL,
-getting first class airlines tickets
-offer to pay for your studies
- Some allow you to work at home
- flexible times
- compress work week
- paid vacations
- Employee of the month/year bonus
- promotions
- sales commission
-Holiday bonus
- Mission Bonus
- End of year bonus and gift

inneedofhelp Level 1

Ok, thanks a lot for the info

RoseOfUniverse Level 3

it's ok, I am happy to help :)

sarah_7 Level 2

i wonder how small compagnies cope

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