Should i get a regular job in a firm and get a fix monthly salary or do the work that i love even though there are many obstacles ahead?

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Should i do what society expects me to do(have a high status white collar job) or do the unexpected (do what i feel at ease with even if job is not higlhy rated).

14 Replies

hacker8 Level 1

do what you love and forget everything
you were chosen to do it
if you are not getting it in the public sector try it on the private sector
if you are not getting it in Mauritius go elsewhere provided you know what you are doing
create a blog , advertise yourself
and maybe a foreign company seeks your expertise and give you a ticket to come and work with them
Don't think of mauritius , think of the WORLD

1 Reply
Mauritius2014 Level 1

thanks mate

hacker8 Level 1

A domain name is only $10 online on
you can google a coupon of namecheap and get the domain name for $9
it is around RS 300-400
create your website , upload ,
ask someone if they have an S3 OR S4 OR High quality camera to take pics of you
design your own website
sell yourself (not to the devil though)
you will get it

Mauritius2014 Level 1

That would be very useful to me...thank you

gices Level 6

@hacker8 are you suggesting to create website and make money from it or use it as a means for employers to find you?

hacker8 Level 1

use it as a means for employers to find you

gices Level 6

@hacker8 I thought you were going to share some secrets about making money online :p

Mauritius2014 Level 1

You can make money can work as a freelance translator...but you must be very good in english/french

hacker8 Level 1

lol not like that :P
i will do it another time :)

gices Level 6

@Mauritius2014 There are better ways to make money on the web ;)

@hacker8 You want the secret to stay a secret :p

Mauritius2014 Level 1

how can we?... share the secret mate

gices Level 6

Do the job that you actually enjoy :)

I've said that multiple times to friends and family that it's hard to wake up every morning to go to work when you don't like what you're doing. When it's something you love, you don't need to force yourself because you actually want to be at the office.

However things are not so simple in real life. You need money to pay your rent, food and other expenses, so it's okay to get a job (which you don't particular enjoy) with a view to start your own business or switch to your perfect job. This way, the money will be coming in and you wouldn't have to struggle, yet at some point you'll be doing what you really want to.

1 Reply
Mauritius2014 Level 1

i do agree with you...but in the Mauritian context it is difficult to find a job that actually fits may have diplomas or degrees but other people get the job...only because they know someone (relatives,friends)who back them in order for them to be selected.Isnt it wiser to count on yourself rather than waiting for others to provide you a job?

gices Level 6

If you read my answer, I said to get a job, whether it's something you like or not, just to have an income at the end of the month to pay your bills. While you're doing this, you can either look for your ideal job or you can start your own business.

Both take time so having a guaranteed income at the end of the month will make it easier for you to get where you want to be.

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