How to get a book published?

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How can I get my manuscripts published? Either in Mauritius or abroad. Most of my manuscripts are in doc files.


3 Replies

gices Level 6

I know this writer who does everything in Microsoft Word 98, from the story to the cover. Well when I asked him, he said he just transfers the document from his computer onto a pendrive and goes to a printing company and they are able to publish his book from just that. Quite simple as you can see.

Now if you want to be recognised as an author, you will need to get an ISBN so that they can print its relevant barcode on your book. I've been told this is a very important step.

Also you may be able to get some help with the costs of printing from the government. I'm not to sure how you would go about getting this, therefore you would need to contact the relevant authorities to find out more.

Hope this helps. Good luck :)

sarah_7 Level 2

Gices what is an isbn?

gices Level 6

ISBN = International Standard Book Number

This allows you to uniquely identify your book in the whole wide world.

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