Receiving money by paypal

In many sites and in clever dodo as well I have seen that its written we cant withdraw money by paypal but yesterday I had to receive money from one of my relative abroad but when the person was sending it to me it said that I cant receive money,if we cant receive the money itself then why everyone gave false information that we can receive money but can't withdraw.I think all those who said are answerable to this now.
8 Replies
To begin with, no one has an obligation towards you. People come here and try to help others by giving FREE ADVICE and it's your responsibility to check the validity of the answers given. All answers are provided in good faith and if you're not happy with them, it doesn't give you the right to start blaming/accusing people of giving out false information.
I have both a UK & Mauritian Paypal account and I have successfully transferred money from one account to the other (both ways). If you're having problems with yours, your complaint should be directed at Paypal support.
They say that Mauritian paypal account can not receive money then how is it possible you have successfully transferred money to your Mauritian paypal account?
I do not have control over Paypal and therefore I cannot tell how I was able to do the transfer. All I know is that I did not encounter any problems when I did it. Anything else is up to Paypal.
As far as I am concerned, when I was in Australia and have been using paypal there, I had a balance on my paypal account where I could send money but also receive money. When I contacted paypal about this service for Mauritius since I came back, they notified me that this service( receiving money) is not available in our country ; we can only use paypal as a safe platform to send money/ purchase items using our credit cards.
When I emailed Paypal this was part of their answer :
At this time customers in you region cannot add a bank account or receive payments in to your PayPal account. You can continue to send money to anyone with an email address.
I do understand why you are upset but you should keep in mind that Cleverdodo is open to anyone who wishes to post and as the thousands other forums that exist, the information is not 100% reliable as it is written by people such as you and me who are trying to help others by sharing our experience and opinions but we can make mistakes, it is always better to verify the information through an official source.
I think it's not fair that paypal did not give us the possible to receive money through our account.They should have notified us before using their service.I think it's not professional on their part.We too we have rights to be like others,it's a kind of discrimination that we are facing.What is the real thing,I mean why aren't we have the same right like others for managing our accounts.It is because we live in Mauritius,aren't we normal person,don't they trust us or are we imbeciles in such a ways that we do not deserve to receive our money.
It sure the real problem is with paypal.Now there is a question that I'm asking myself are they that professional that they pretend to be if such discrimination is done.I think they must review their system and service the offer one another.We ARE ALL HUMAN.sorry about that guys,I don't like injustice
When I contacted them it would seem that the Banks in Mauritius are not willing to co-operate, if the banks don't help then its not Paypals fault
I agree with Peaches, it is not paypal's fault if the banks in Mauritius are not willing to cooperate. They are not discriminating us and it would have been in their interest as much as ours to provide us with their full service but unfortunately it does not depend on them.
As far as I know you cannot withdraw money, I think you can receive but that's it. Also please don't badmouth others, if you have been given advice/information it's your responsibility to validate it and no-one else.
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