Shopping electronics on ebay

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I've read a bit on this link and if I've correctly done it,i.e remove 1000rs allowance from each and add 15% from this sum to the original price, it should be correct but i would like to know if there are any other charges for such items

  • FX 8350 213$-7933rs
  • GTX 970 463$-17420rs
  • 8GB ram 100$-3645rs
  • MoBo AS rock 970 extreme 4 125$-4593rs
  • Corsair CX 600M, 600W PSU 85$-3075rs
  • SSD 240GB 100$-3645rs
  • Blue ray drive 50$-1745rs
  • mouse+keyboard 25$-825rs


Also if you think i can get the same items for or approx same in Mauritius please be kind to tell me :)

2 Replies

gices Level 6

The personal allowance (Rs2000 now I think) is for unsolicited items, which means things you have not asked for but being sent to you by a friend/family. For things you have ordered, this does not apply but if you get a nice Customs Officer when you go collect your items, he may deduct this amount from the total, not from each item.

So calculate 15% of the total.

thedope Level 1

do you advise me to order all at once or one by one???

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