I need a list of Hydroponic material suppliers in Mauritius.

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8 Replies

rishiusalive Level 1


I represent DGM and would like to share the new design of hydroponic garden at your own place. You can visit http://domeguysmauritius.com for more details. We build Geodesic Dome for hydroponics and if you feel like this new structure will benefit you, do contact us.

Thank you.

gices Level 6

Your best bet is to contact the Agricultural Research and Extension Unit (AREU) on 466 3885. They will be able to guide you through the steps to:

  • obtain the greenhouses, cladding materials and fertigation systems (application of fertilizers or other water soluble products through an irrigation system)
  • learn more about pests and diseases control in hydroponics
  • go about getting finance (loan) to start such a business

Btw, you seem to have your hands in all the fields (IT, Law, Agriculture etc). Are you becoming a jack of all trades and master of none :P

Khush_Mendossa Level 3

Umm thanks. I got all the list locally and foreign just a day after I posted the question :)

I'm mastering the trades :P So time consuming I wouldn't have imagined!

gices Level 6

Well at least you got what you were looking for. It would be helpful if you post the list so that other visitors can benefit from it.

anonymous_4 Level 1

Where did you buy sir?

Cedric_Eddy Level 1

why don't you answer where did you buy the product.

Khush_Mendossa Level 3

Can't tell copyright :( But the list is available for Rs20 at AREU and it's a good list ein!

Decor_Lenversdu Level 1

see that is the problem in this country. AREU is supposed to help. Now when you say you need to pay to get the answer where to buy the items that's already a deterrent for so many who wanted to try. How do you want to improve this mindset pffffff

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