Do I need to pay income tax?

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What are the basic requirements to be eligible to pay tax

3 Replies

gices Level 6

All your income is taxable but you have an allowance before you start paying tax. Here are the thresholds:

  • Individual with no dependent : Rs255,000
  • Individual with one dependent : Rs365,000
  • Individual with two dependents : Rs425,000
  • Individual with three dependents : Rs465,000
  • Retired person with no dependent : Rs305,000
  • Retired person with one dependent : Rs415,000

Therefore if in a year, you've only made Rs200,000, then you are exempted from paying tax. If you have made Rs300,000 though, you will be taxed on the difference (300,000-255,000) which is 45,000. In Mauritius, the tax rate is 15% fixed. Therefore you will pay Rs6,750 to Mauritius Revenue Authority. That's assuming you're an individual with no dependent.

Which tax are you referring to? Income tax? Customs tax? Property tax or something else?

avish Level 1

income tax

gices Level 6

I've updated my answer, check above.

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