How to cancel my TAN? MRA!

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Hi. I registered for a tax account number (TAN) few months ago as I was going to a business. Unfortunately I could not continue with my project.
Do you know how to unregister/cancel my TAN? Will the MRA deduct any amount of money from my bank account if i have a TAN but not making any profit from my business?

3 Replies

gices Level 6

When I left Mauritius in 2013, I filled out the tax form and specified on the form that I was leaving the country and would like to be taken off the business register. This was what I was advised to do when I called MRA.

So contact MRA and tell them your business didn't kick off and they'll probably tell you to do the same thing.

Bob_5 Level 1

Thanks for answer. But now the tax form is filled online. They have updated their system and now you have the 'e-filing' where you have to submit your individual tax return online. When I submitted mine I wrote that I did not get any revenue during the past 6 months. Then the automatic calculator showed me that I have zero tax to pay. I don't know how the concerned authorities will check that. I think I will leave it as it is until I start my business.

sarah_7 Level 2

which business were you in?

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