Do I have to pay the Property Registration Fee if I'm buying a second apartment?

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I have a question on the latest Mauritian budget. I am a UK resident and have bought a new build apartment. As I am a first-time buyer - I did not incur a registration fee.

Now I am looking to buy a second apartment in the same new build block of apartments - and the developer has mentioned that as it is a new build, I would also be exempt from the registration fee even though it would be my second apartment. Is this correct?

Many thanks for any help!

1 Reply

gices Level 6

The property you are looking to buy should fulfill the following condition:

Exemption for a Mauritian acquiring a newly built dwelling costing less than Rs.6 million on land which is not on Pas Géométriques or within an Integrated Resort Scheme, Real Estate Scheme, Property Development Scheme or Hotel Invest Scheme during the period from 1 September 2016 to 30 June 2020.

More info can be found here.

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