Laws regarding websites in Mauritius

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3 replies
4 users


Are there any mandatory notices to be included on a Mauritian website?

If so, what are they?

Where can I find such relevant information - a parliamentary act or something?

In advance, thank you.


3 Replies

gices Level 6

In general, you are not required to display any notices whilst in the UK you should show in a prominent place how you use cookies on your website.

Having said this, it is good practice to have a privacy policy, terms of use and cookie usage page on your site.

Depending on the niche of your site, you may find it important to have specific information to protect yourself from any liability. For example, an ecommerce website would need to have a returns policy page to comply with Distance Selling Regulations.

If you're in doubt, it's always best to consult a legal person for advice.

KEL Level 1

Hey gices, thanks for your insightful answer.

sarah_7 Level 2

Kel if your website is hosted in the EU you need to abide by eu laws which means that you need to ask for consent, mention which info u r requesting, cooking ect

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